Nitrogen and such
nitrogen if you're not aware is a
custom random gen map generator it has a
highly customizable options and better
integration for custom prefabs for your
maps and it's very popular tool that a
lot of people are using nowadays and in
fact we are using that for a lot of our
own maps and playthroughs so we may
recognize that I have a nitrogen map
used for the Archer series which is
available for download on any of the
most recent episodes okay let's bring it
here to the nitrogen download page this
is on these seven days to die community
forums now this is opposed by damocles
and he'll show you basically these don't
want to step by steps on what this does
here's like the download it right here
and it also download for the combo pack
which has a large number number of
prefabs available for download and also
show some information on installing Java
now your first task here will be
download nitrogen now once you do that
install it and extract it into a like
hit location that you're comfortable
with now after doing so you will need to
install Java now this can be done right
here on Java's page again this link will
be in the description as well as the
nitrogen page and the option here you'll
need to download is the 64-bit version
that is required to run nitrogen which
is a 64-bit application it will not work
otherwise okay now once that has been
installed you have Java running you have
next-gen file ready to go this is
bringing you there now alright now here
is where I extracted the nitrogen world
generator here we can run nitrogen exe
and it will bring up the nitrogen
application now I started going through
fewer or view the settings here trying a
couple tutorial Maps and for the sake of
this tutorial I'm just going to use a 4k
it's a it's a lot quicker to generate
really in about a fraction of the time
that these seven days did I default
world generator will use now let's go
over what options we have here we have
anything ranging from 4k to 16 K as well
as a custom size always recommended
would be anything between 4 to 8 again
we're gonna run before right now just to
have some quicker turnaround times and
easier exploration now here's where you
would enter the custom app size if you
chose that option up here and here is
the output folder now this is just
linked to wherever you extracted
nitrogen and where all the prefab
members or all of the custom maps that
you create will appear here so it's a
quick little shortcut to click on it it
brings it right there another shortcut
here is the seven-day to devalue world
generator it's folder and that is
configured to the default directory for
your first seven days to die under steam
and that will bring you straight to
where you would install the map so it's
very handy this option here will tell
you whether want you want to overwrite
existing files if your map name is the
same or it can just cancel when not
empty I believe you've already generated
this map so I'm just gonna overwrite it
for this tutorial now the preview map
which that's actually very nice feature
will render render a preview of the map
with a lot of different color codes to
determine or to show you where
everything is placed to give you an idea
if this is the map that you wish to keep
well leave it for the default because it
is a extremely useful feature now there
is a lot of options here this will take
some exploring in your part and I won't
go into every single one in every
explicit detail namely because I
probably haven't even tried all of them
myself now a lot of the default options
will probably good for most people now
the landscape selection here will range
anything between completely flat to a
kind of a desert oasis so basically pick
anything that gives you a good feel of
what you're looking for under the go
over the balanced map has you know I
like having nothing that's too
dense with too many factors other and
pio ice or snow or whatever also let's
go with balance
now smoothing this will help smooth out
the map it does exactly what it says it
does a train isn't as rough you can
leave it default to have a more
immersive feel or you can smooth it out
if you just want to have a easier drive
across your landscape your flat land
style can range between flat and very
flat all hills again you know if you
were straight for this very first time
go with default that will give you a
baseline understanding of how this
generates the maps and then you can
tweak based on your taste now biomes
here's an important one now a natural
one will if I'm not mistaken just be you
know snow the desert and the forest and
maps you can also add in burned and
waistline which is by default excluded
I'm not mistaken I do leave them at it
in the burnt biome areas are small
patches here and there as you know
usually found in the forest biome and
wasteland is basically craters in
various parts of your map that would
emphasize a bomb explosion or something
that effect so you can I choose you know
more burn the waistline to have a lot
more of it only green only snow only
desert only burned or all the wasteland
if you're that kind of sadist
now border biome here's another
important option this will basically
choose how your map is edged around so
you can have an island you can choose
water forest desert you know wastelands
a good one I usually go either with
water and to have an island or wasteland
because if you see a bunch of waste line
to the distance you know for sure that's
gonna be in a radiated zone and you
don't go there again personal preference
now north south again you can choose to
have snow in the north so that there's a
desert in itself that's what feels most
natural to me and many others but you
can choose to disable that to have a
completely random or to have you know it
reverse now roads I this will basically
have a lot more vehicle drivability
between different locations you know go
with many or default I let going with
many just because I like roads I don't
like having the drive across various
landscapes and having more ability to
travel it does take a little longer to
generate but it only does it once so
once you've done it you know there we go
so that mean that matter of you row type
narrow default why just you know the
width the road I believe the default is
actually more narrow than I've seen in
normal random jet maps road condition
you'll see a lot of bumps and craters
and damage in the road you can choose
how badly you want those roads to be
damaged you know or you know over
overgrown with a lot of grass heavily
damaged with a lot of missing pieces and
debris small lakes big lakes you can
choose how many of those those types of
water water structures appear on the map
same with rivers you know a few many
cracks now these vicious cracks is the
only option here now this is it's
basically as if the world kind of opened
up in a small area so just you're just
driving along and also there's this big
you know crack in the world if you find
that interesting you leave that in I
don't care for it myself
pío I limits are sort of no Pio is in a
biome so you can choose to have no P
lies in burned and wasteland or just
have no limits I prefer no limits myself
player spawn is a useful option this
will choose whereabouts your players
going to spawn when when all of your
players particularly on a server will
first spawn near town far from town one
single spawn point which is great for
co-op so if you're playing with a friend
you want everyone to play together this
is what you don't want to choose and on
a random roof I have not tried this but
you can imagine why it's tagged as risky
because if you're spawned on a roof for
example at the hospital or one of the
large towers though there you're not
going to be alone when you spawn in
there so
if you like a fun risky start or maybe
some easy loot this may pier option to
try now here's the PIO I section now you
can choose how many traders to have I
like I like a lot of traders myself but
you can choose with the default which is
more balanced now it's probably usually
around well it's all depending on the
size of the map so this could range
between you know four or five traders on
a normal map or maybe up to like 10 or
12 on a larger map so again you can
choose how many of these you want a
trail location near town far from town
or completely random we have a cities
now cities are going to be your primary
hubs for POS you can choose what size or
how many of these to have weather lots
of lots lots of cities very few or just
kind of a balance to default and go with
that once we generate some maps you kind
of get a feel for how many's is just a
default and how many mores more how many
mores less City size if if you choose a
mega map or make a city not we've tried
this before you basically get enough P
wise in one city that you could probably
play through just that city and never
have leave now based on how many people
you're playing with or just your play
style or you know you just want to try
for fun you can go between a very scarce
amount of cities small cities or have
some super mega cities that have like
two or three and pretty much every day
every peel y again to your own taste
now towns are the smaller towns that
will have more kind of a rural based
builds you know you choose how many of
them and not what size same as city
how many farms you get rednecks I
believe that's referring to
the Old West towns don't hold them right
back so those are I think those are
trailer parks if I'm not mistaken old
towns refer to the Old West towns out
back peel eyes single POS or small
groups in the in the countryside okay oh
yeah so those are the ones that are off
the distance out mountains a little
little little once of the distance like
cabins and whatnot extra car Lots if you
want them you can go as many car extra
car Lots as you want especially if
you're the kind of a gearhead that wants
all kinds of stuff to play with and
custom towns defined by zones and edited
prefab lists now this would imply that
you could set up your own zone in the
prefab list editor this is a more
advanced option I have not worked with
myself but if you want to design for
example a combination of pio ice that
suits a type of settlement or structure
or area that you want to Korea all your
own you can specify them in the prefab
list and you can choose how many of them
that you'd like to show up again it's an
advanced option I can look into it if
that's you know that's what you're
looking for now here are some advanced
options prefab lists we're going to work
with that it is pre-installed with a
combo pack 42 lists which is very
convenient you can create your own
custom list we're gonna stick with the
vanilla default and we're gonna edit
that ourselves you know height map again
I have not played much with this with
this controls like the the dips and
valleys of your map and how that's
generated and there we go other options
here generate new pies to be honest I'm
not 100%
consuption raishin after heightmap is on
here hi map is generated these are more
advanced options that probably more
meant for people that edit their own
maps and these are probably some debug
options more darkness falls owns again
it's kind of a kind of a nod towards the
darkest fall mod and their special
asylums are created within that and this
is an option to support it you can
actually have different scenarios no
peel wise whatsoever that's why I
couldn't imagine OCD world for debugging
unsure what that is I've actually been
curious to find out one day feel free to
try it alright now here's a slider to
control what type of landscape you're
going to have so you can flatten things
out make things a little more random and
you have more a lot more mountains a lot
more deserts rock in SEO it's up to you
how you want to do this I like a lot of
flatland I mean some mountain it's nice
you know this is all personal taste but
I like be able to travel around without
having to bump around too much I mean
the roads do help but this will make it
a lot a lot easier for you to get kind
of the right feel for the map you're
looking for alright so we've done a lot
of playing around with this now there's
one thing I like to do before we go
ahead and generate this world we are
going to edit the prefab a list now I'm
gonna pop there right now the prefab
list dot txt file this is found in the
resources folder actually let's go there
before we discuss that too much here we
go so you go into the resources folder
you're looking for the RER prefab list
text so we open that up let's go back
here and this is what controls all the
prefabs that are going to be Creator
inserted into your custom map now there
are instructions on how to add your own
Maps this is a CSV file format right
here and these are the types of zones
that you can use we can go to some
examples here
here's the one that comes by default
this is the name
the prefab this is the prefab file name
yeah zone it's gonna go into this if I'm
not mistaken is the O is the face North
rotation now this is basically what the
number that will go in there that'll
wrote how many rotations it takes for
your prefab to face North ieave all the
prefabs that we do actually this is a
list of the not a gamer gaming prefabs
that have already installed I've usually
North adjust all of our prefabs so
you'll see a 0 here second number it
will kind of go down this list here y
offset that basically refers to how deep
the POA goes into the ground for example
our connects coffee there's only one
block it goes down to the ground so that
level goes level flat for some that rln
deeper for example the asylum has a
basement there goes nine blocks deep the
idea I think has some craters a link
above sixty library has a basement of
eight as well as the lighthouse I guess
is eight is common number I use all
and now the XYZ this is the size the
width height and depth in a
three-dimensional space of what size
these prefabs are now you can see that
the insane asylum is quite large the sei
quite even larger and then you got the
libraries pretty small alright now we
also have the nitrogen zone now these
are the custom zones defined here under
placement types this if you go down this
list you can choose where you want your
prefab place an example of the canucks
coffee on one of them downtown
now there's extra flags you can add for
example unique there it is delimited by
semicolon so if you want to have a
prefab designated in multiple areas you
can choose to have it flight here
semicolon and then another zone now the
unique zone is a special marker to spawn
a py only once so I wanted only one
Isaiah I wanted only one library and
only one insane asylum depending on how
you want this prefab be placed into your
map I wanted many connects coffees you
know it's coffee shops who cares but for
all the other ones I wanted the
to be a unique experiences now after
we've done that but what free first next
thing we want to do is to actually
install the prefabs into seven days to
die so when for example when this map
attempts to generate and you start the
game it'll actually work now to download
our custom Pio eyes and that's actually
one of the topics of this is to go to a
link we're gonna have that's gonna bring
you to Nexus mods this is where that we
doubt meet a set of upload and set up
all of our custom prefabs and offer them
to the public if you go ahead and click
the download button this will go ahead
and download the NAG custom pew eyes and
base whatever version that we have at
the time at this time we have I believe
five prefabs including the insane asylum
Isaiah which is an Ikea spin-off
connects coffee which is kind of like a
Tim Horton's we have our first one which
is a library and then we have a
lighthouse which is based off of a movie
which I can't think of it at the top of
my head that's one where there's about
two families merged together there's a
bunch of kids but it was based off that
movie if you think of it congratulations
I just can't think of it right now
so once you download this file this will
down to where your location is that you
can go ahead and extract it I'm going to
take you and suck it here now I'm gonna
take you to where I have extracted it
here now the default download is
actually a mod if you just drop this
into the mod folder just like this and a
custom pio is this will integrate the
mods or the prefabs already into your
seven days to die and what I also did is
I can configure the random gen-xer to
create it so that when you create a
random gen map using the vanilla method
it'll actually ends the insert the PIO
is by default now this doesn't always
work with larger prefabs which is why
we've actually turned to nitrogen to
create our random Gen Maps for us but so
long as your prefabs are not extreme
exceeded by size I think anything over
100 by 100
to have problems such as our insane
asylum or the Isaiah it may not appear
on your map the other ones will show a
fine library lighthouse and the kind of
the coffee shop so if you just install
it as is you create a new map these will
actually show up and for the purpose of
this we're going to show you how to
manually install the prefabs so you'll
find your prefabs here they'll come with
about six different files and usually
the block files the thumbnail mesh file
which is how it appears the distance and
the configuration files we've actually
discussed this in a previous prefab
editor tutorial videos that we've shown
so you can grab all of these and copy
them never go back
here I actually have a shortcut in to a
prefab folder which is under your seven
days to die installation under the data
folder and lucke prefabs
I've already had them installed here
they are insane asylum the ICEA library
lighthouse they're all here now once
that's done that's been installed
we're going back to nitrogen and we're
gonna collect generate world now I'm
gonna go ahead and actually click that
right now you know I've already done it
so this will go through the process of
creating exporting it you'll notice it
goes quite fast a lot faster than the
default vanilla random world generator
okay just about done exporting the map
creating a custom preview and there we
go now that's done as took 19 seconds
not bad at all now the first thing
you'll want to check is the preview map
now I'm going to bring you back there
here and
go back to where I was going now this
will go into your nitrogen world
generator under output and we have our
tutorial map folder here now this is the
actual world that's been created for you
and all these and files that create that
world now there's a preview folder which
contains the image let's blow that up
free here okay now here's the map that
we just created you'll notice that we
have some large cities here are smaller
towns you see some of the random POS
they get placed in the mountains so and
these are the craters I was referring to
when it comes to placed in the wasteland
and I believe you can find zoom in here
yes I'm burnt patches right there now
before we dive too much into this map
there is a legend for this and I'm just
going to switch to there and now so we
go to the seven days to die forums where
this was placed you scroll on down and
keep scrolling you're gonna see there is
here we go here is the legend so you can
find traitors those are important here
you'll find the pink traders the city
center or blue areas and industrial so
we're gonna switch back to our map here
okay so look we're saying you see we can
see already that there was a trader here
on the edge of the map there's a trader
seems to be on the edge of major towns
which is great now the green is old
the blue is city centers these
industrial areas and these are car lots
and believe these are residential areas
and I think we have some farmland out
here so this all in all is not that bad
of a map if you find your something
doesn't go to your taste like there's
too much desert too much River or lakes
whatever you can reduce and increase
those as you wish alright now we've
actually created all map let's go ahead
and take a look at what we've created
now that we located the files that we've
created we need to copy this file and if
you actually go back to nitrogen we'll
do that here
and you click on where it says oh where
am I here
did you Jan if you click on where it
says open these seven days did I world
generation folder okay here in the world
generated folder this is where you can
put all of your maps
so we've copied it I'm just going to
paste it right into here okay it's all
pasted in now if we go back to you seven
days to die over here and then go into
the world editor will see that it
appears here now now this is actually a
good way I like to make sure that the
math is good is that the world editor
will give us already by default the
tools to examine the prefabs to float
around and take a good look at
everything that we've created we're
gonna wait for the map and load up all
right now here we aren't in the custom
map that we've created you zoom out here
we can actually toggle this up here to
show you kind of a different overlay and
what the maps gonna look like so you can
kind of pop around here and teleport
around just control right click to
different parts of the map to see what
that looks like so if you teleport far
away it's gonna take a little few
moments for everything to populate
inside so let's go I should go ahead and
take a look at one of the larger city
areas oh and we've already found one of
our custom prefabs right here this is
our library now here in the world editor
you will see the custom markers such as
the quest starters you'll see them all
around so yeah we found one of our
prefabs so that has definitely worked
let's see if we could see anything else
oh wow okay and we here we have the
Isaiah which is another one of our
custom builds pretty snazzy now let's
see if I could actually find our Asylum
let me take a quick look
all right you found actually another one
of her POS right here this is the
lighthouse they've created I thought I
recognized that from a distance and yes
it's also quest enabled all right I was
gonna keep looking as what makes your
hole for a prefab spawn I can take
another look for the asylum there's
usually pretty big so you should be able
to see it from a distance and it's
designated to be on the edge of the map
so I'm just another moment just try to
find it okay actually took some time
looking for the insane asylum it was not
even there so I think it is based on the
size of the map it's possible that the
that the inside of Salim just didn't get
make the cut so it doesn't include every
single Pio in every single zone it's all
based on random factors and it looks
like he just didn't get the cut at the
first tutorial map I created it actually
did include it and that was an 8k map so
this being a smaller map they're just
probably ran out of space and you know
got shaved off the end if it was
involved in a more frequently placed
zone that it possibly would have
appeared but it was an alone unique area
so it just didn't make the cut so that
again based on the size of map you
create it will affect what number of
appeal wise you get available in the map
all right the other thing I would like
to cover just before we close this off
and we're just about done if you go over
here a description of the custom prefabs
we've placed you'll find there are two
pre-typed all of the criteria to place
are in our maps you'll find the same
thing with a lot of other mod packs we
provide this as well and if you actually
go into the game editor you can actually
create you can get these numbers
yourself the rest you can kind of create
on your own to show you how to do that
if you're looking at a world that you
have not or if you're looking at a
prefab that you have not already have
lined for I can show you how to get the
information for this okay if you go into
the editing tools and into the level
prefab editor I'm going to go ahead and
select a prefab and I'll show you what I
find the values that you'll need to make
that entry
alright I have loaded our insane asylum
just for a demonstration so if you go in
here and you hit the escape menu you
look on the right hand side it will show
you the size you need in order to create
that entry so you have the I think the
width and this is the height and then
the depth of the prefab so like 130 by
77 that looks about right yeah 130 by 77
and we're 44 tall so those are the
numbers that you need to make that entry
into the into the prefab list in order
to have it place properly in the world
all right this is Benjy gnosis not a
gamer gaming want to thank you all for
watching if you have any additional
questions feel free to toss them into
the comments I will do my best to answer
them but the shakes you up and running
with nitrogen and any of our custom maps
thanks again for watching if you liked
what you saw here please consider liking
the video and subscribing if you have
not already catch you next time
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