Random World Generation and Seeds

 alright guys welcome back to the channel

today I have a much requested 7 days to

die video today we are going to talk

about the best alpha 18 random world

generator seeds that you can use to

ensure that you guys have a good map and

a great game to play

so now I've made videos like this before

I made one for console and and an older

alpha built on PC so if you are on

console and you're still looking for

good world seeds this is not going to be

the video for you but I will link up in

the corner that's the console video

where you guys can get good console

seeds and also in the comment section

that video is pretty cool

it turned into a comment your gamertag

if you are on console and also people

leaving other good seeds for console

users to use because I have to go base

off what they say and what advice I got

from other people since I only play on

PC so for you PC folks out there you may

have noticed that the switch from 17 to

alpha 18 your old world seed is crap I'm

just gonna come out and say it

a lot of them have been messed up a lot

of the maps have like super Matlin's all

over them

oceans of water we're back to the alpha

14 situation where we couldn't find good

and people have been asking me what are

good seats to use and I really I did a

lot of research I've looked at a lot of

sites online a lot of people have posted

seeds their top 10 I've combed through

them all because mainly I'm very picky

and I thought that even some of those

weren't very good so I have my top 8

personally of what I think are the best

seeds a lot of people are also using the

nitrogen world generator map builder

there's a link to that in the

description if you want to do that you

can download nitrogen and basically hand

make your own map if you're into doing

stuff like that and you're good with

mods I'm leaving a link to the forum

that shows you like how to download it

how it works and how to do that because

right now that is probably the best and

coolest way to get a get a good map it

can be exactly what you want it to be

but as far as seeds I do have some

amazing ones for you

so now just in case you guys don't

already know if you are on a server it's

going to be a little bit different when

you look at your list the seed is not

going to be your server name there will

be a different category usually right

below that that says specifically this

is the game seed or it'll say game name

and then that will be your game seed

usually it marks it depending on what

server company you're using but if

you're at home and you're just making a

game it used to be that your game name

was the seed you type it in right here

but now they actually have this category

right here so that's where you're gonna

type it and now just to point out most

of these are on the 8000 192 world size

map the 8k map basically that's what

people call it so you can literally type

in anything and you see how it changes

what it is whether it's amount in our

territory or whatever that's why the

size in this case sorry guys does matter

so for these ones I'm telling you to

type in this world name it's going to be

under the 8000 the 8k map size and of

course if you ever want to test out your

own seed you can go to editing tools you

can go to the random gen previewer you

can type in the scene you want to use

and you can wait a good half-hour 40

minutes for that to generate it takes

forever I have checked these ones to

make sure they were good it took forever

and I'm not going to spoil these Maps

now I like for me half the fun is

actually exploring and finding things I

am only going to show you one map just

to prove how amazing some of these seeds

are so if you don't want to see that map

you're gonna want to skip ahead a little

okay so skip ahead about 30 seconds if

you don't want to see this map this is

probably most amazing one this is what

I'm gonna start with you're all gonna

laugh but it is tongue the bung I can't

believe I'm saying that on YouTube right

now I'm probably I'm demonetized because

of it already all lowercase spaced out

the words it is case-sensitive so make

sure you type that in properly I've made

that mistake before this map look at it

it's beautiful it is like 90% forest


are over 20 traders on this one map

people have said that this is the best

map they found I found this this was

recommended by Tess I don't want to say

their last name because I don't know if

that's okay or not but thanks to test

comment down below say thank you to her

because this is like amazing isn't it

okay so while I don't want to spoil

every map or show every map like that I

am gonna go down I have my little list

over here a couple other ones our trader

Jen and make sure they're case-sensitive

I'm putting them up on the screen as you

guys see them there's five traders in

the city center mostly forest and snow

biomes there are more hills and

mountains so if you'd like to find a

clear space of land that might not be

the one for you

so the other map is weird three one four

one five six just numbers no spaces full

of traders it's mostly forest biome and

there's lots of shotgun Massiah places

that was very specific about that

metropolis capital M there's 25 little

cities to explore I say little they're

pretty big and they are all uniquely and

like connected to a roadway system so

you're not like getting a dead-end road

and then having to go around so they're

all connected pretty well and as far as

I could tell it seemed like it was

pretty flat the next one is free ton

capital F this one is pre flat so if you

like to build your own large bases in

between like other cities and stuff and

have flat land for that this is a good

map for you if you build around the

middle there is actually about six

traders all in the center there so it's

good for trading and you can be in the

center of the map and basically there's

every biome so there is destroyed biomes

but it's pretty well balanced as far as

like they're in like sections it's weird

so the next one I have to credit to Jeff

he is on my discord server a lot so the

next one is a lot of loot and this one

has worked pretty well for any map size

so I said most of these are for the 8k

map this one has worked pretty well for

just about any map it's a little more

mountainous there's a lot of traders

there's a lot of different locations we

ended up you

really getting good loot all lowercase

Greenland is another one that has been

pretty good capital G it's been a lot of

forest biome a lot of POS it's gonna be

repetitive but if you need different map

so you want different things this is my

list of eight now rosebud is another one

that I've been hearing from a lot of

people I've seen it I've seen it posted

on Facebook groups I've seen it posted

on reddit I've seen it posted in

articles so I personally have not played

rosebud but that is the first one that

everyone seems to recommend it's capital

R so yeah those are my top eight I'm

pretty sure that was eight we can go

back and count it if you want but the

the time the bagua I just can't if you

skipped the map part because you didn't

want to see a spoiler tongue the bung

all lowercase that is the that is the

number one map 90% forest biome over 20

traders I IKEA I don't know how many

times I'm gonna say that in one video I

hope I never have to say that again on

YouTube I just can't I'm like cracking

up about it I'm like 10 right now sorry

guys so I hope that this video helps you

out I hope that helps you find a really

great game to play a lot of these a lot

of these seeds they look amazing and and

they should they should do you really

well so thank you guys so much for

watching comment down below how are you

enjoying alpha 80 and I really like it I

really like it a lot more than I did 17

so as always thank you guys so much for

watching see you guys in the next one


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